Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday Morning Rambling for 2/18/08

Ah, it's another Monday morning, and the weekend was a bit long and tiring. It's sad, as the events of this weekend made me forgo the premier of the new Knight Rider. Though, from my understanding I did not miss that much, but it was supposedly still good fun. I have to wonder if they're going to do replays on USA or SF. My beloved did watch CBS' premier of Dexter and thoroughly enjoy that particular brand of mind-game.

Anyways, on with the various geeky things.

First on my plate of things, is Ani-Monday is providing a "Viewer's Choice" block of programming in late March. Since it's a viewer's choice type thing, that means that folks need to vote, so has a voting website up until midnight on February 28th. Anyhow, two episodes each of Tactics and Noein are playing on Monday and KAI DOH MARU on Tuesday.

I also put up the article about Tahiri that I had alluded to on Friday.

Next is an article that appeared on Trek web on the 15th which pointed to a Bloomberg interview with Capt. Picard. The relevant bit is that Patrick Stewart believes that Paramount will no longer invite him for Star Trek movies.

Continuing my stumbling about of things that interest me, futurist blog, Pink Tentacle is taking a break from looking forward and has a post about Edo-period monsters. For those that don't know, the Edo was basically the years 1603-1868 in Japan. While my beloved would probably not like to have some of those on her walls, I personally think they're nifty.

Finally, upcoming this week, I'll hopefully get fully caught up with the animes that I let slide while I was less than 100%. My Darth Bane: Rule of Two review is way overdue. And who knows, I may actually write another essay.

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