Monday, July 20, 2009

Cell Geeks & The Half-Blood Star Wars Fan

I've got to admit that I'm in love with the Apple Store.

I firmly believe that every geek needs to visit one at least once in their lifetime. It's akin to Mecca for Muslims.

The Geek Mecca.

So of course a few weeks ago when my brother-in-law was in town I took him. And will take my own brothers the next time either of them come up for a visit.

And of course, when my boys get a bit older, I'll take them. After all, they are growing up to be fine geeks. Why just yesterday morning, the little one comes waltzing into the bedroom at 6 in the morning holding the Star Wars Episode III DVD case, demanding to be allowed to watch it.

While this was going on, his elder brother was in his room, playing a Star Wars video game.

And this morning, my wife showed me the toy that she found in our bed (apparently left there by our youngest). Yes, that is Ahsoka Tano.

My boys are adorable.

And my Beloved Wife is exasperated.

Though, if she's truly honest with herself, she loves it as much as I do.

All that said, I did hear some very interesting news regarding Stephen King's novel Cell. After the failure of a movie, there's discussion of turning it into a 4 hour (or thereabouts) TV Mini-Series.

Which is all sorts of WIN if you ask me.

Unfortunately, I've yet to actually make it to see the new Harry Potter--a sore point for me and the Beloved Wife, as we have failed (repeatedly) to find someone to watch over the children while we attend a 2+ hour movie. Especially, since the theater has poor show times (either at 8, which is right at bedtime, or at 10 which is too late for the Beloved Wife).

Alas, I'm sure we'll figure out a way to see it somehow. Even if it is that we must attend two separate showings...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's Monday! err... Tuesday...

I've been plugging away, keeping my inner-geek well fed on all sorts of geekery.

Namely, that I've purchased the Game-of-the-Year Edition of Oblivion.

And I've got to say that I'm adoring this game quite a bit. It's fun, it's immersive, and it's huge.

And I've not played the expansions that came with the game.

Nor have I installed any of the Mods or Patches which alter the game to N extent.

Ah the joys of a Geek with a New Toy.

Of course that's not the most amusing thing in my life at the moment. The most amusing--and heart-warming to this Old Geek--is that my sons are utter, and hopelessly corrupted into being Geeks.

There's no way around this for them. It's a part of who and what they are shaping into being.

Take last night for example. When I got home from work, Star Wars Episode III was playing. Which, having a Star Wars movie playing when I get home is a rather routine event. But still, we turned off the TV when dinner was prepped, and after dinner and a bath, my youngest turned the tv back on, just in time for the climatic duels at the end of the movie.

So of course he rummages through his collection of Star Wars figures until he has Obi-Wan and "Bad" Anakin. Which is over there to the right, and if you'll look closely, you'll see that he has the red/orange eyes of a Sith.

Anyways, as the climatic duel plays, he's there emulating it with his two action figures (or inaction figures, as those Galactic Heroes generally have at most 1 or 2 points of articulation).

But, it gets better.

Bed time rolls around, and so the little one is packed up, read a story, and allowed to take the two toys to bed with him.

A half hour later, his older brother follows him, and me and the Beloved Wife settle down to watch a tv show (the Harper's Island two-hour finale, which we had DVR'd).

And for the first hour of that show, you could hear the youngest, off in the Outer-Rims of his bedroom, singing the Star Wars theme song.

Over, and over again.

It was heart-warming, and good for this old Geek.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Rambling on the Sixth of July...

In utter non-surprise, I have little SF based content, as I've had Things To Do.

The first, is that the nephews from my wife's side of things came up for a visit of their Mom-Mom, which meant that for most of last week we deposited our two with her as well. And my wife. And myself.

Well, Friday their parents got there, and we had ourselves a fine time over that day-and-a-half visit. Topped off with fireworks on the 4th.

I did get to introduce my Brother-in-Law to our local Apple Store.

I still firmly believe that anyone with any form of geek leanings need to visit an Apple Store at least once in their life. It's the Geek Mecca after all; pilgrimages are mandatory.

The second reason for a lack of rambling on SF is the simple fact that I bought a new game. Yes, I indulged in my video gaming tendencies and bought something. And I guess "new" is a misnomer, as it's been out a few years now.

Anyways, I bought the Game of the Year edition of Oblivion (which comes with the game, and it's two expansion packs).

And I must admit that I'm enjoying it quite immensely. It's just plain fun. In fact, I stayed up until nearly 2:30 in the morning playing it Saturday night. Much to my Beloved Wife's annoyance as I kind of woke her when I realized the time and went to bed.

But, in a SF related, headline, Wired talks about the birth of the AK-47, and goes about calling it an "All Purpose Killer." Which, to me, seems like one of the most Science-Fictiony of article titles I've ever seen.

Especially for a purported news article.

After all, apparently, the AK-47 has now gained intelligence and the ability to fire itself, and has thus gone on a rampage, killing people without human interaction.

Alas, it seems that we don't have smart-killing machines just yet, but rather biased headline writers. Who knew, huh?

Well, I must now ready myself for work... until next week...

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