Friday, January 18, 2008

It's Friday already?!?

Apparently so. For those who know, and those that don't, yesterday we took our youngest to the surgeon's and had tubes put into his ears. He came through the surgery fine, but has since been something of a diva. Even going so far as to yank a DVD off the shelf, hand it to the wife, and then proceed to point at the player until my wife got up to put it in.

Alas, but that explains my strange silence here the past few days-mainly because I've been dealing with that.

And speaking of dealing with things, I was saddened to hear that The Force Unleashed was in the throes of being pushed back until summer (or possibly early fall). That kind of annoys me, because I was actually looking forward to that game.

On the topic of games, EIDOS has announced that they're producing a Highlander game. That makes me scared. Need I remind anyone of the anime or worse that made-for-TV movie that was on the SciFi Channel last fall?

One good thing (at least in my opinion) which the SciFi Channel has done recently, has been to announce the extension of their anime programming block to also include Tuesday evenings. The first of the Tuesday fare is scheduled for February fifth, and features R.O.D. Read or Die. I've been looking forward to that movie; now if only SciFi would get read of that atrocious ECW and their monster-movie of the week programming.

Speaking of anime, I'm thoroughly enjoying this season's crop of new shows, and returning favorites. Currently on my list are:

  • Hayate
  • Clannad
  • H20
  • True Tears
  • Persona: Trinity Soul
  • Macross
There are a few others as well, but I'm having a bit of trouble remembering them at the moment.

Finally, reviews will be here soon. I promise.

Monday is my anniversary, so I'm not certain if I'll have a post for everyone. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened.

My final leaving for today will be this picture from the upcoming Star Trek movie.

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