Tuesday, January 15, 2008

#1 Show is "glass half full."

Good night, I despise the Fox television network. They're firmly determined to destroy anything SF. The only ones who are happier decimating genre television would be NBC/Universal, the parent company of the SciFi Channel.

The Sarah Conner Chronicles apparently did well Sunday & Monday nights. Not just well, but really, really well. Especially in that all-important 18-49 age demographic. That's about a 7.6 Nielson rating or 18+ million viewers; not counting those like me who Tivo'd or DVR'd the show.

Ecstatic, mind-boggling numbers. Just goes to show how much love a show will get when folks have been living off of reruns and 'reality tv.' Yet, what does that have to do with my intense dislike of the Fox TV network now? Well, I stumbled across this quote from Peter Liguori, Fox's Entertainment high-muckety-muck.

What I’m looking at with the glass half full is strong numbers, the number 1 premiere of the season. In terms of realistically looking forward, we’ll try to dig down as deep as possible to see what our expectations might be. From there we’ll see how we can grind it out week to week.
Do what? You've just been handed the number 1 premier show of the season and that's a "glass half full" scenario? Actually, scratch that, the number 1 premier show in 3 years, and that's a "glass half full" scenario? What does it take to make the glass be full? Blood sacrifices on the part of genre fans? Fear not, I know a couple that probably would do that if Fox would stop giving us wonderful genre shows and then systematically destroying them.

Good game, Fox.

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