Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Galaxy of Stars, 08

All right, I've stumbled upon a science-fiction convention that is run in Jackson, Mississippi. It's called Galaxy of Stars. What's odd, is that it doesn't list a whole lot of information about it on their website. I mean, DragonCon in Atlanta gives so much information, things such as contests and dealers/exhibitors, and gives a lot more details about events.

As far as I can tell about Galaxy, they've got two stars lined up, and a couple of meals planned, but there's no information about dealers/exhibitors, nothing about cosplay, and may lightning strike us dead if they list something about panels or speakers. Couple that with the fact that it doesn't have it's own website (like a majority of cons do) and I'm wondering just how legitimate this con is.

Does anyone know anything about it? Maybe they attended Galaxy '07.

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