Thursday, June 7, 2007

How did I miss this?

Somehow I missed the announcement of the official Fury cover, thankfully I stumbled upon a notice over at Expanded Universe (Thrawn's on top of things more than me it seems).

Anyways, here's the cover, and the text provided by the official site:

Fighting alongside the Corellian rebels, Han and Leia are locked in a war against their son Jacen, who grows more powerful and more dangerous with each passing day. Nothing can stop his determination to bring peace with a glorious Galactic Alliance victory -- whatever the price.

Here's a first look at Jason Felix's cover of Fury, the seventh book in the nine-book Legacy of the Force series. The book is written by Aaron Allston, and due out in paperback on November 2007 from Del Rey Books.

Following Fury is Revelation by Karen Traviss (March 2008) and the series ends with Invincible by Troy Denning (June 2008), a title recently revealed at Celebration IV.


Airyoda said...

I've really dug the covers in the Legacy series. I like the look of this one as well. Much better than the older cheesier covers from the 90's.

Stephen Wrighton said...

Actually, I didn't mind those covers all that much. Though I do appreciate the fact that we're getting non-movie characters on these covers.

The ones I disliked, where those early NJO covers which were odd looking water-color sketches or something...

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