Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gah... Time flies when you're swamped with work

You know it's bad when your own wife is telling you that you've been neglecting your blog. I know that, but between work, family duties, and trying to grab a few hours of extra sleep, I've been unable to generate a post.

And to be honest, I've been goofing off a little bit as well.

Couple that with the fact that I've upgraded my copy of GIMP which makes it harder to grab screenshots of the various animes I watch. As a side note on that, if ANYONE has an idea about a media player that takes screencaps (JPG or PNG preferably), runs all the usual codecs, that's free and that runs on Windows--please drop me a line. I'm needing that. Currently, I'm using MPlayer, which seems to work...ok, I'd like to tweak a few things such as getting a new font to use in the subtitles, and find a way for them to be on by default.

Regardless, I'm now on the hook to watch Iron Man. When I'll get to, I'm not quite certain, but I just know that I want to see it. It looks awesome. Additionally, I'll be going to see Speed Racer sometime this weekend (or maybe next weekend, depends on a few things) with my son. He's stoked about that particular movie--which makes me happy, it's a good introduction to the wider world of anime.

Speaking of movies though, for those of you who are interested in making them, is holding their annual Star Wars FanFilm contest at the moment. Entries are due soon.

In news that has more bearing on me (because it's about a book) the last entry in Legacy of the Force, Invincible, will be out on the thirteenth of this month. I'm happy, it's another Star Wars book, coupled with the end of the Prequel rehash for the next generation of Star Wars characters. I should be getting that book 3 or so days after its release date.

Tonight (or tomorrow morning) I'll post my review for Star Wars Revelation, both here and over at TheForce.Net.

Beyond that, I'm already worn out, and got things that must be accomplished this morning. Here's to hoping that I can get back on a regular update schedule.

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