Friday, March 28, 2008

It's a Friday Morning

I'm lacking some serious time for this morning because around lunchtime I have a golf tournament thing to participate in. Ahh, good times. As some of you may have noticed--I never did get around to putting up my episode review for Kimikiss episode 24. The reason for that is after I got it, I realized that I had yet to see episode 23. So I had to go hunt down 23 which took a bit, get it downloaded, and then watch it and 24 last night. I enjoyed both episodes, and I think I'll forgo the single episode review in favor of the full series review. So I'm in the midst of writing that at the moment, and it can be expected in a day or two--hopefully.

On the movie front, there's a supposedly reliable rumor (if such a thing can be said to exist) that a trailer for the new Star Trek movie will be found in the previews of the upcoming Indiana Jones movie. I have to actually wonder if it will be a full trailer or a teaser though. May 22nd of this year is awfully early for a trailer for that particular movie.

Though I could see one for the Big-Screen release of the first bit of the new animated Star Wars: Clone Wars show. Ugly character designs aside, I'm all sorts of excited about that.

Finally, May 3rd is the date for this year's Free Comic Book Day. There's a lot of interest including some Manga titles. I'll be at Heroes and Dragons with the rest of the Mandalorians in Pearl, Mississippi for anyone that lives in the general Jackson-Metro area.

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