Thursday, October 25, 2007

Suddenly Sci Fi

Well, physically, I have completed the move from Pensacola to Madison, MS. Spiritually; around half of our worldly possessions are still in boxes in the garage. Additionally, I've started my new job with my new company, SAKS, Incorporated. Yes, that SAKS. Bad news is that while I have connectivity at work (provided that it is not abused) I am still lacking it at home. More information about THAT can be found here. In theory, Comcast will have someone out there on Sunday to hook up my brand spanking new digital cable, DVR and high-speed internet.

I'm all giddy like.

I mean it's been days upon end without the 'net and that sucks big time, and then couple that with the fact that it's been cold and rainy all week, and that means the boy is going a bit stir-crazy, and driving my wife bonkers as well. I mean, we have that big yard, and it's too cold and wet to banish… err… send him out to play in it. Regardless, I managed to get the TV and DVD player hooked up, just in time for my son to watch our brand new copy of Meet the Robinsons, ah, the future as Art Deco.

Personally, I still cringe at the thought.

Anyways, I've been horridly neglectful of all things online while I systematically ripped apart my life and began the long process of rebuilding it in a highly-divergent way. The good news is that I have a few reviews to put together for the site, including ones for Hal Spacejock, His Majesty's Dragon and The Jade Throne. Also, I'll hopefully be getting my copy of the Death Star novel sometime this upcoming week. Then, I have two stories that were emailed to me (they're online in blogs) which I'll take a peek at and write reviews for.

But back on the digital cable/DVR bandwagon, I now have the ability to record shows without the hassle of tapes, so expect me to be more interested in the television. Also, I should have access to the OnDemand library of anime from the Anime Network. That should be interesting.

Speaking of anime though, I came across a website in my RSS Reader this morning entitled AnimeThat. An interesting concept, basically it's a link index for animes that appear on VEOH or YouTube. At first I was highly interested, but as I read more, including their legal notice, I realized that it wasn't quite as interesting as I had initially hoped.


Sadly, I'm lacking anything really interesting here beyond this. After all, I've been without TV and the Internet for a bit, and to top it all off, I didn't even get my PC set up until last night (and I've still not hooked up my printer or scanner).

But, come Sunday morning, I'll have my lifeline back, and once more be able to immerse myself in the heady flow of information and digital images.

Good times…

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