Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another New MEME

This is coming from World in a Satin Bag, and the actual meme, can be found here: http://wisb.blogspot.com/2008/08/100-favorite-sff-authors-meme.html.

As noted on the website, the rules are fairly simple:

  • Bold the authors whose work you have read (even just one book or story).
  • Italicize authors you don't want to read.
  • Leave everyone else unmarked.
And now for my entry...

1. Terry Pratchett
2. JRR Tolkien
3. Neil Gaiman
4. Douglas Adams

5. George RR Martin

6. Isaac Asimov
7. Iain M. Banks
8. Philip K. Dick
9. HG Wells
10. Robert Rankin
11. Ursula K. LeGuin
12. David Gemmell
13. Peter F. Hamilton
14. Frank Herbert

15. Robert Heinlein

16. JK Rowling

17. Robert Jordan

18. Arthur C. Clarke

19. Ray Bradbury

20. Stephen King
21. Robin Hobb
22. Philip Pullman
23. John Wyndham
24. Diana Wynne Jones
25. CS Lewis
26. Guy Gavriel Kay
27. William Gibson
28. Steven Erikson
29. Anne McCaffrey
30. Roger Zelazny
31. Lois McMaster Bujold
32. Raymond E. Feist
33. China Mieville
34. Gene Wolfe
35. Stephen Donaldson
36. Orson Scott Card

37. Alan Moore

38. David Eddings

39. Michael Moorcock
40. Trudi Canavan
41. Kurt Vonnegut
42. Tad Williams
43. Jim Butcher
44. Clive Barker
45. Neal Stephenson

46. Alastair Reynolds

47. Jules Verne
48. Mervyn Peake
49. H.P. Lovecraft
50. Sherri S. Tepper
51. Robert E. Howard
52. J.G. Ballard
53. Octavia Butler
54. Jasper Fforde
55. Harlan Ellison
56. CJ Cherryh
57. Mercedes Lackey
58. Jennifer Fallon
59. Stephen Baxter
60. Richard Morgan
61. Terry Brooks
62. Elizabeth Haydon
63. Dan Simmons
64. Richard Matheson
65. Marion Zimmer Bradley
66. Harry Harrison
67. Jack Vance
68. Katharine Kerr
69. Alfred Bester
70. Larry Niven
71. Stanislaw Lem
72. Susanna Clarke
73. Robert Silverberg
74. Edgar Rice Burroughs
75. Julian May
76. Charles de Lint
77. Samuel R. Delany
78. George Orwell
79. Simon Clark
80. Joe Haldeman
81. Joe Abercrombie
82. J.V. Jones
83. Theodore Sturgeon
84. Kim Stanley Robinson
85. Jacqueline Carey
86. M. John Harrison
87. David Weber
88. Scott Lynch
89. Jonathan Carroll
90. Christopher Priest
91. Jon Courtney Grimwood
92. Michael Marshall Smith
93. Olaf Stapledon
94. Ken MacLeod
95. Brian W. Aldiss
96. Terry Goodkind
97. Charles Stross
98. Sara Douglass
99. Gwyneth Jones
100. James Herbert

Wow, 35 authors that I've read (at least that I can definitively say that I've read, I'm uncertain about Priest, MacLeod, de Lint and Fiest. I'm also pondering the lack of some SF/F authors from the list. Consider, where are Bova and L'Engle? While, yes, King does have some Fantasy novels to his name, either of those two would make a bit more sense than him--at least in my opinion.

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